River Delph Low DO Management

River Delph Low DO Management Since 2011 the River Delph has suffered with poor water quality following spring and summer flooding of the Ouse Washes. This complex issue, is a result of climatic change in rainfall events, but impeded by the siltation of the tidal river from Welches Dam through to King’s Lynn. Its History…

River Wensum Partnership Creation

River Wensum Partnership Creation At the regional forum held in Norwich back in 2016, the agency formally announced it could no longer resource its commitment to the Wensum Fisheries Action Plan. This was something close to many long term Wensum anglers and came  about through the formation of NACA a decade earlier, continued for decade.…

Fens Reservoir

Fens Reservoir I represent the Angling Trust on Water Resources East on its advisory group and became invited to be part of the Fenland Partnership working group, led by Anglian Water as they scoped the form and location of the proposed Fenland Reservoir. Giving the need to assess the availability of water and in what…

Norfolk Broads Prymnesium

Norfolk Broads Prymnesium The Environment Agency rescued over 700,000 fish from the Upper Thurne river catchment in the Norfolk and Suffolk Broads during March and April 2015. This is one of the largest fish rescue operations ever undertaken in the Agency.. With the passion of John Currie on this subject, it resulted in some ground…

East Anglia Environment Agency Fisheries Review

East Anglia Environment Agency Fisheries Review There is much in the media about the performance and resources available to the Environment Agency to perform their regulatory role in protecting the environment. This dossier looks specifically at the Fisheries function of the Agency and their ability to deliver any tangible outcomes supporting the Norfolk and Suffolk…

Broads Salinity Modelling

Broads Salinity Modelling The Broads Angling Services Group has had a long established campaign on the potential treats from Climate Change and Salinity, these events have occurred for decades in winter months considing with storms and spring tides. In September 2022, the Broads suffered from one of the worst Saline incursions ever with over 1…